Trademark Registration

As of this date, we have been approved as the owners of the following Trade Names and Trade Marks in México by the Mexican Trade Properties Registry:

Del Pasado Clock Shops
Del Pasado Relojerias
Chelsea Clock Company
Chelsea Clock
Chelsea Ship's Bell
Chelsea Shipstrike

This information will be published in local newspapers in the new year but it is official as of this moment and going forward. This announcement serves as legal notice to any and all parties.

Polaris Line Introduction

Chelsea has just introduced the Polaris line of clocks and barometers! Essentially the same as the Carbon Fiber line, but with silvered dials, these clocks offer a new nautical flair for budget-conscious buyers in forged brass cases and precision imported quartz movements. Check out the Polaris page at the left for photos and information.

Carbon Fiber Dial Line Added

Chelsea has just introduced a line of clocks with cutting-edge dials made of high-tech carbon fiber much like some of today's very high end wristwatches. These clocks (and barometers) all have 4.5-inch dials and brass cases with optional chrome plating. Check out this collection at the link on the left. Let me know what you think of them!

Exciting New Clock Models

I am pleased to be the first Chelsea dealer to offer the new 8.5" Concord and the 6" Lexington clocks. These clocks draw inspiration from the limited edition "Millennium" clock but as time-only versions. Exquisite craftsmanship is evident in these new clocks with modern touches but yet rich in tradition and gleaming brass that only Chelsea can hand-finish to perfection. Please look at these clocks on the NAUTICAL CLOCKS page.

In addition, we have just added the Dartmouth on the DESK/TABLE CLOCKS page. This is an update of a classic design from the past and has been chosen by the White House to present as gifts when the President visits foreign countries. It is beautiful in its simplicity but rich in gleaming Chelsea quality and hand craftsmanship.

Notes About This Site

I have endeavored to present the Chelsea product line here simply and in an uncluttered manner. I have purposely stayed away from "cute" visual gimmicks and sound effects. Nothing is more annoying to me than to go to a website which begins blasting music or a sales pitch and I won't inflict that on my customers. I try to keep it simple and elegant so you can see the products. If you need additional images, measurements or information, just let me know by email or phone and I'll be glad to get you the information you need. I never pressure anyone. That's not how I do business.

Service Special With Any Chelsea

Just as a reminder. When you buy ANY mechanical Chelsea clock from my, your first regular service is HALF PRICE. Whatever my published overhaul/service rate is at the time, if you bought your clock from me, you get 50% off that price. This covers ShipStrike, Ship's Bell, Limited Editions and custom clocks. So when you reach that 5-7 year time frame when your clock needs to be cleaned and lubricated, take advantage of this deal available only to you as my customer.

A New Year!

Chelsea continues as the last great American Clockmaker to offer unparalleled quality in fine timepieces that cannot be found anywhere else, regardless of price. Chelsea has some new models, a very cool new American Cherry base and other surprises in store as we head into the new year. Check back here for more information.